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Saturday, 26 January 2008

Update Your Sakray!

Updates available on the 22nd and 23rd January 2008.

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Sakray Patch Shows ?? ?? ??

When you run Sakray and it shows ?? ?? ??, and the Start button doesn't work, it means that it's connecting to server to patch/update.

Image 1

And in this image -below-, it means that your Sakray is already patched or it already has the latest patch so there's no need to patch/update.

Image 2

But if the scenario shows... : 2008-01-17adata_k.gpf ??????, it means that you've lost the connection to the server. You have to Exit and start re-patching again.

Situation 1:

IF it constantly shows that error, you may have to install the LATEST Sakray, whichever the latest is, and just run Sakray.

Situation 2:

IF it still show errors while patching, I suggest you run the Sakray Patcher Fix and Sakray Optimiser. You can find it within this blog as well. Use the Search I have in my blog to make things easier.

p/s: Ragnarok Devs Applications are still open until further notice. :D

Saturday, 19 January 2008

LATEST kRO and Sakray Setup 1213

Highlights: Sakray 0305 -2008- is out.

Links to Sakray 1213 here.

These links -below- either stops at 98% or doesn't work at all.

Latest download links for Sakray and kRO 1213.



Option 1
Full Installer

Option 2 -Divided into 2 parts-
Part 1

kRO SETUP 1213

Part 1
Part 2

Right. You need to have Winrar in order for them to work. Next, extract both Part 1 and Part 2 of Sak/kRO 1213 to ONE folder. Once both parts are in that one folder, they'll become one. So you won't have to worry about Sak or Rag being in halves.

And remember. If you ALREADY have kRO installed on your computer, you don't need a new one. You ONLY need Sakray.

Other links seem dead for the time being. I'll add more links available once I get them to work. Adios!

Thursday, 17 January 2008

Sakray Update 2008

Updates available for the 15th and 16th January 2008.

Friday, 11 January 2008

Ragnarok Developers WANTED!

We are scouting for RO Developers for Awesome RO. This server is quite new. At least 3 devs -perhaps more- are needed for Awesome RO.

AweRO's Rate: 5x/5x/50x
AweRO's Patch: -Scroll down. Under Step 4-
Control Panel:

To apply for the Dev Team, do email me at Subject: AweRO Dev Application. You can also add me on MSN with the email provided, if you need more info regarding the application.

Impressive and successful candidates will be notified via email. You can show us your masterpiece-s- as well, if any.

Please include the followings:

Date of Birth: DD/MM/YY
Language Spoken:
Time -In GMT-:

How long have you played RO?

What servers have you played on?

Do you have any experience as a Developer on other RO servers?

Why should you be chosen as AweRO's developer?

What would you implement on AweRO?