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Sunday, 15 April 2007

My Homunculus Evolved!

ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just a while ago, while I was in the MVP room, FCPing a friend, a Bapho killed my Lif BUT after I resurrected it, I saw her being loyal! Ok, so now, I am not sure if you need to get your homunculus to 1000 Intimacy before it evolves or not -refer to the first screen shot-.



LOOK AT HER!!!! Ok, after using the Stone Of Sage to transform her, her intimacy will reset down to 0. So you'll have to look after her well then.

Thursday, 12 April 2007

The Homunculus

There are 4 types of Homunculus to choose from BUT they are divided into 2 for each type. So it means that you have 8 choices altogether.

The UNEVOLVED Homunculus





The EVOLVED Homunculus





Honestly, I prefer the Lif2. She's hot when she evolves and cute when she's a baby!!!

Ok, so they are YOUR pet and you need to feed them.

Amistr - Zargon
Filir - Garlet
Lif - Pet Food
Vanilmirth - Scell

To have your pet evolved, you need to have its Intimacy to Loyal. To be Loyal, your pet's intimacy needs to reach 1000. Once it's loyal, use a Stone of Sage and it'll evolve.

Type @hominfo to check its Intimacy.

More infos on Homunculus here:

If you want your pet to auto attack a monster or plant, you can download this program.

Download these two:

Last updated version

- 2006-12-22 mirai_v1_2_2 (35 Kb)
- 2006-12-14 control_panel_for_mirai_v1_2_(en_de_it)_R3 (269 Kb)

Run the mirai_cp_setup and save it to your User AI folder.
-Program Files > Gravity > RO > AI > User AI-

Then you can start programming your homunculus and YOURSELF by clicking the Green Book/Green Icon which looks like a book.

Once you're done and everything's saved, it'll ask you to log out of RO and relog in again -Something like that-

Type /hoai in the chat bar to switch the Homunculus commands to your setup.



Just type /homtalk I Love Me! -Or whatever you want it to say. Here's the Screen Shot.

Berzebub Card Quest

Pros: This card reduces casting rate by 30%.
Cons: Reduces SP 15% and HP by 5%.

Items required:

15 Emperiums (Orc Zombie, Mineral, Mimic)
600 Withed Starsands (Bathories)
400 Clock Hands (Clock, Alarm, Clock Tower Manager)
20 Worn out scrolls (Bongun)
2 Bibles (Evil Druid or buy it from the NPC)
2 Wands of Occult (Marduk)
100 Opals (Zombies)
2 Tiger's Foot Skin (Eddga - MVP)

This card is useful for Mages/Magic Users. If you have 3 or 4 of the Berzebub cards equipped, you don't have to apply Status Points on Dex. In this case, you need Int. So apply on Int.

Also, this card is used for other quest. I'll list the quest later cos the RO I'm playing is OFFLINE!!!!!!!!

p/s: The monsters mentioned are easier to find or come in mobs, so you'll get the items faster.

Monday, 2 April 2007


And here comes another person out of nowhere, entering the world of bloggers!!1!1!

Right. My topics will vary. Games, sites, movies and so forth.

I'll be posting mainly on games. YEAH! GAMES!!!! Final Fantasy, Ragnarok and some web browser games. Bear with me though as I need to pick the right topic to blog about.

That's all for the night! You'll see me soon.